Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"And the clarity is compassion."

"Somewhere along the line, you concluded that there was something wrong with you. Of course you did! What else could you conclude? If there were nothing wrong with you, people wouldn't treat you that way! They wouldn't say those things to you!


Then why did they do that to me?

Because it was done to them. Because we do what we are taught.
Society calls this 'child rearing' or 'socialization.' We call it 'sad.' By the time 'socialization' is complete, most of us hold an unshakable belief that our only hope of being good is to punish ourselves when we are bad."

"A Scam Self-Hate Likes to Run:
It is confusing for someone to conclude that they aren't loved because there is something wrong with them.

I want to be loved, but there is something wrong with me. I need to fix that even though I'm not really sure I know what it is or how to fix it. But I must keep trying anyway because I really want to be loved.

The person who is trying to become lovable spends much time, attention and energy trying to be good, earn approval, please others, be perfect. And Then, when they find that all that trying to be good doesn't work, and doesn't in fact get them the love and approval they want, the only thing they know how to do is try harder.It's like being on a journey and being completely lost, going in the wrong direction but making really good time. And what we are left with is confusion.

I'm trapped and confused. What I'm doing isn't working but I don't know what to do instead.

Confusion is the result of attempting to cling to a conditioned belief (if I try harder I can make it work) in the face of what you are seeing to be true for you (This isn't working. I feel powerless. There must be another way).

If you continue to pay attention, the confusion will give way to clarity. If you can find the willingness to look, and take a stand against the scam self-hate has you caught in, the confusion will give way to clarity.

And the clarity is compassion."


will said...

i can't decide whether i completely agree or completely disagree with this passage.

what is it from?

cait said...

It's from a Cheri Huber book called There Is Nothing Wrong With You. I bought it years ago and still read it every few months. Although I have to say that the cheesy title caused me to wrap it in newspaper so no one would see I was reading a "self help" book. A lot of what it has to say is a little more zen-master than I can relate to, but there are some very poignant pages about conditioned thinking/ behavior and self-hate.

will said...

cool. it is a really interesting passage.

hope you're well