Friday, October 12, 2007

Keeping a running list...

I took this job in Hartford because I knew next to nothing about how to do it. I came here to learn. And so far, I've learned something new almost every day. Mostly because I've fucked something up almost every day. In sound, there are just so many ways to fuck things up opportunities for growth. Those lessons, however, are for another post.

Today I'm starting a running list of things I've learned from others' mistakes. Its a list I've been keeping in my head for a while now but its getting too long to remember. Consider it my gift to you. A gift born of bitterness, of the paying of dues, of whining. But also a gift of love - Who knows, it may prevent you and I from becoming total jerks. (?)

Well, At Least I'll Never Do That:

I will not call my assistant at 8am and then be 30 minutes late. I will also not call my assistant at 8am unless there's something for them to do.
- I will try with every fiber of my being to never respond with, "Jesus fucking Christ."
- I will not make my assistant pick anything up from the printer for me/ walk across the room to deliver anything to anyone else for me/ ask people stressful questions in my stead/ throw things away for me/ wipe my ass for me. Unless I am suddenly paralyzed. Or my arms and legs spontaneously fall off.
- I will not become lazy when using an assistant.
- I will not charge my assistant for his/ her own lunch when I send them out to pick up food for both of us.
- I will do my very best to give clear, concise direction and feedback.
- I will not, by remaining silent when at fault, let my assistant take the blame.
- I will always show up when I said I will. I will not leave people to their own devices, especially when they need me there to teach or make decisions.
- Most importantly, I will try my hardest to always remember be kind.

Any other things you've learned from higher-ups never to do? Feel free to add to the list!


Raising Them Jewish said...

Wow- these are some tough rules. Especially the always showing up when you say you will one. Though, I totally give you the calling at 8am then being late. I would love to say I've never, but I have.

Other interesting things:
-I will never twist my assitant's actions in trying to accomplish what I asked them to, to mean that they think I can't do my job.

-I will never tell my assistant that I was much better than them when I was in their position. They are trying hard.

I'm sure there are LOTS more, but these are a few worth mentioning.

cait said...

Ooooohhhh that second one is hash. Um, yeah. I hope I never do that either. I hope that person got punched in the face.

Yeah, I agree that some of the rules are tough. especially the ones relating to punctuality, at which I currently FAIL. The goal of the list is to remind myself to always try never to do those things. I am definitely not perfect and we all know that I lose my temper sometimes. So I thought maybe writing down all the things to remember would help.